← v-DaaS – Virtual Desktop as a ServiceIntroduction to the v-DaaS opportunity

Questo video è disponibile solo per gli utenti di Cloud Champion. Accedi o registrati per continuare.

What is this module about?

It will help you understand what is v-DaaS, why it is a business opportunity and what are the prerequisites to enroll.

This module contains one video to watch.
It will also require some time to review it and make your own decision.
No specific framework for your homework.

Content of the video:

  • Evolution of Workplace as a Service
  • Definition of virtual Desktop as a Service (v-DaaS)
  • What content will you find in the MOOD™ and what other content should you get
  • What are the prerequisites to join

Goal of this video:

At the end of the video, you should:

  • Be able to understand what is v-DaaS
  • Define whether you want to build your own v-DaaS offer - if you do not want, you do not need to watch the other videos
  • Define the capability that you are potentially missing
  • Ensure that you will commit enough time to build your own offer (~1 half day a week during 9 weeks)
  • Schedule time to watch the "v-DaaS scenarios"